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  • tankralc

Carving Platters

My current work focuses on carving clay. I really enjoy the process of carving but have learnt a few things over the past year that will be helpful if you ever want to carve a platter (and who wouldn't right)?

Using a plaster mould or former.

Clay has a Memory.

I know, doesn't sound right but it does. Memory is caused by the loss of water content.

"As moisture is lost, the yield point increases until the maximum green strength is achieved. As drying occurs, the uniform negative charge reverts back to neutral, which in turn causes disorientation of the particles. Once the water leaves the clay, so does memory." 1

So if you mess with the clay at the wrong point when it's on the mould then it will spring right back, maybe not right away, maybe after bisque or glaze firing, but it will spring back to patience waiting for it to become leather hard on the mould.

I'll be back soon with my

next tips.

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